Easy Configuration Management in Django Projects

Setting up the settings module in Django can be cumbersome for beginners. This module holds many properties that are vital to your application, and a minor error may be fatal. Moreover, you need to keep track of separate environments, such as local, dev, test, staging, production, and so on. In this short article, I will show you my approach to handling different environments in Django projects.

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How to write a simple math interpreter in Python

Not long ago, I had to write a certain feature for my project. It involved parsing a mathematical expression from plaintext and evaluating it. This feature had to work with basic numerical expressions like 2 + 3, support context to use variables: apples + 2 * oranges, and parentheses: (2 + 3) - apples.

The obvious (and least appropriate) solution was to use eval. This standard function takes a string and runs it, treating it like Python code. This is considered to be very unsafe: eval an execute arbitrary code, which makes it a potential security risk, especially if the input comes from untrusted sources. Malicious users could inject harmful code that could lead to unintended consequences, such as executing system commands or accessing sensitive information.

In this article, I will walk you through my safe and extensible implementation using Python’s ast module.

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A hands-on guide to concurrency in Python with asyncio

Many of us have experienced slow websites and laggy apps at least once while programming. These issues are inherent to the design of the systems we use each day: some operations take a (relatively) long time to complete. Transferring bytes over thousands of kilometres between you and the server, reading tiny magnetic fields on the spinning disk, and other such activities may take a moment. However, while your system is waiting for these resources it is essential to remain usable and responsive, and not waste precious CPU cycles. The concepts of concurrency and asynchronous programming were introduced to address these concerns.

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