Grinding HackerRank/Leetcode is Not Enough

Lately, online competitive programming platforms such as HackerRank/Leetcode have been gaining popularity among developers and recruiters alike. These are awesome platforms that provide an easy way to practice common algorithmic and data structure problems in preparation for an interview (or anything else). But assessment (and most importantly, preparation) of software development skills based on these results is inaccurate and not representative, as I will explain now.

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Unikernel Vs Container Vs Operating System: Side-By-Side Comparison

The process of deploying software to production evolves constantly. Just a few decades ago, everyone used virtual machines to host and manage the infrastructure. Lately, the industry shifted towards using containers with systems such as Docker and Kubernetes. The next logical step in this progression is Unikernels, which combines the best of virtualization and containerization.

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