Advanced testing in React Native with Jest: Components

react native component testing

This post is part of my series on unit testing with Jest in React Native. You can find the introduction here.

In the previous parts, I went through why unit testing is vital and how to test your components using snapshots. While snapshot testing is effective, it fails to test some aspects of the component. Now I would like to talk about more advanced component testing in react native.

Testing content

One of the first things you probably want to test is the actual content that is being rendered. Let us define a component that will accept some text via props and display it:

This component takes text from value prop, wraps it with a View and outputs it with a red color. Now, we want to test these things:

  1. That it accurately renders the text from the value prop
  2. That it is wrapped with a flex: 1 style
  3. That the text is red

To render and assert the components, we are going to use the react-native-testing-library. I do not recommend using enzyme at the moment as it does not support react native natively (pun intended).

You probably noticed the strange testID prop on View and Text. This prop allows us to query these components later when we write the test. It works similarly to the id attribute in HTML. react-native-testing-library comes with a lot of queries available, which you can read about here. Now, time to write the tests:

The first test is the snapshot test, which should already look familiar. Then, we test for the rendered text. You can see that we query the Text component using getByTestId, which is quite convenient. We then access the component’s props to check for children and style.

Note the afterEach hook on line 5. This cleans up the rendering context after each test to prevent memory leaks.

Testing interaction

Now you have an idea of how to assert a component’s output. But what about interaction? For example, you have a component with a text input and a button to submit it:

I tried to keep everything as simple as possible: we have a controlled input that calls the onChange prop and a button that calls onSubmit. In order to test it, provide mock functions to these props:

I covered mock functions in the previous part. They are created with jest.fn() and you can later assert if they were ever called and with what arguments.

Using these approaches, you will be unstoppable while testing your react-native components. In the coming posts, I will talk about redux integration into your unit tests.

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