No, you do not need Windows to develop with JavaScript

The desktop operation systems market is split between 3 major players: the monopolistic behemoth Microsoft with its Windows, pricy Apple with macOS and a myriad of Linux distributions, both community-run and commercially supported. In this article, I will try to convince you to try Linux if you are an active Windows user by giving you very good reasons and busting some myths.

read more “No, you do not need Windows to develop with JavaScript”

Windows Subsystem for Linux explained

Many developers have struggled to work on Windows systems with tools that either perform better on Linux or are not available on Windows at all. Solutions often involved installing a Linux distributive on a virtual machine, on a separate hard drive and configuring dual boot, or using tools like Cygwin. However, this is about to change as Microsoft introduced Windows Subsystem for Linux.

read more “Windows Subsystem for Linux explained”